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How to use the Geopolitics Map

Click countries on the map until you have at least one country on the Blue side, and at least one country on the Red side. You will then see a global opinion map.

Countries have 4 states:

  1. Undecided (Variable)
  2. Neutral (Dark Gray)
  3. Side A (Dark Blue)
  4. Side B (Dark Red)

Clicking a country (or selecting it through the search) will allow you to change its side.

Geopolitics Mode:

An image of the map with Saudi Arabia (blue) and Iran (red) selected, display most of Europe as neutral but the UK shaded blue and Russia shaded red.

When Predictions are on and there is at least one country in each of Side A and Side B, every country in the undecided state receives a probability of siding with either Side A or Side B depending on its relationships with the respective sides. Each country's probability of siding with A or B will be reflected by their color on the map.

War Outbreak (WW3) Mode:

An image of the map with Saudi Arabia (blue) and Iran (red), with war mode turned on, showing most of Europe now shaded blue.

When War Outbreak Mode is on the calculation gets more complex. Instead, the countries in the undecided state now receive a predicted side according to what their allies think about the conflict (the second order relationship). For example, Germany may not initially take a side if Saudi Arabia and Iran go to war, but when all of its major allies side with Saudi Arabia, they are much more inclined to do the same. However, if an ally is in the Neutral state then that country will be excluded from the calculation.

Made by Jeremy Russell, 2024.